NHCT Newsletter No. 16 now available
The latest edition of the Trust’s newsletter is now available for downloading.
The latest edition of the Trust’s newsletter is now available for downloading.
Founded in 1986 and warding its first grants in 1987, the Trust makes grants to Churches and Chapels of all Christian denominations for essential restoration and repairs. The grants offered by the Trust are crucial in encouraging people to raise the often daunting sums of… Read More »RIDE + STRIDE: 10th September 2022
Last year was again a difficult time for everyone. The pandemic still causing problems for all. A very special thank you to all those Churches that managed – somehow – to take part last year. A great deal of effort was needed and made by all – thank you again.
Ride & Stride is a chance for cyclists and walkers to explore Nottinghamshire’s historic churches whilst raising much-needed funds for their preservation. But what if you haven’t heard of our great event yet?